Every advice for life summarized

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the continuous stream of advice, tips and solutions for your life?
No need to worry anymore – I summarized it all for you right here!

You just need to…
…eat healthy
…work out regularly
…take cold showers
…meditate every day
…learn speed reading
and instead of sleeping just take power naps!

If you have any questions, no problem, just…
…buy these books
…read these blogs
…become a member
…be part of the community
…visit our seminars
…listen to our podcasts
…take these online classes
…get a one-on-one coaching
…get to know all these powerful tools
subscribe and share everything with everybody!

It’s all about your mindset, just…
…stay positive
…think positive
…make affirmations every day
…write down your goals
…get out of your comfort zone
…just do what you love
and work hard – but not more than 4 hours a week!

Just believe you can do it and…
…fake it ’til you make it
…stay in the game
…do your morning routine
…fuck everything that’s not your goal
…influence others to win friends
and surround yourself only with the right people!

Now we’re really getting serious.
You can have absolutly EVERYTHING!
Everyone can…
…think and grow rich
…be successful
…have the work of their dreams
…have the perfect relationship, sex and health
…have complete freedom
and travel everyday!

You really only need to…
…change your thoughts
…change your beliefs
…change your habits
and change your style!

Become the best version of yourself…
…but really stay true to yourself and just be as you are…

„We’re so mad as humans, you have to have compassion for our stupidity […] we’re jointly silly.“ (Stuart Wilde)

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